Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > living an enlightened life


Waving at passersby ~ living an enlightened life

Jul 11, 2019


*Alain Vaissiere. 'Meditation'. Flickr

Written on fourth day of silent retreat at Raven's Rest hermitage, in the Great Smoky Mountains, outside Hot Springs, North Carolina.

The sage was invited to speak to an interfaith group. He agreed on the condition that only one question could be the topic for the gathering. Any other questions would have to relate directly to that one question.

He arrived, and the group presented a question it had agreed upon in advance.

The group leader asked, "What is it like to live a spiritually enlightened life?"

The sage replied, "Earlier today, I was walking down the mountain, then back up. Many vehicles drove by. I had never met any of the persons in the trucks and cars. I waved to them."

A member of the group asked, "Is it that simple?"

The sage said, "Yes, but everything depends on where you're waving from. I used to wave at passersby. Now, I wave at passersby."

Amid befuddled looks, one member inquired, "And could you tell us what you mean by 'where you're waving from'?"

Said the sage, "When you see within and without, the answer will be given you."

No one asked anymore questions. The sage was glad. On his way out, he waved, smiling a big smile.

*Brian K. Wilcox. "Meeting with an Anonymous Sage."

For a continuance of this conference, see July 13, "Enlightened Action, Again," where the sage is asked to give clarity on this discussion.


*noi photos. 'Calm'. Flickr

*(C)Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered from major booksellers online, including the publisher 1stBooks.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > living an enlightened life

©Brian Wilcox 2025